
Designing Motivation - Changing Human Behaviour Using Game-Elements (G-MOTIV) was about researching and applying new approaches to behavioural change based on motivation by using game elements. We have conducted research on the motivational effect of game elements in changing behaviour. Our multidisciplinary team of scientists and designers worked on developing intelligent PSS prototypes in the fields of health care and human resources, resulting in structural behavioural change. Achieving lasting change is difficult; people are often poorly motivated to change their status quo! In the domains of healthcare and human resources, this resistance leads to large financial costs for society and reorganization costs for companies. Currently, people are ‘helped’ to change using therapy, training and coaching, however these often only result in short-term effects.

To tackle this issue we needed to help people achieve long-lasting, desired behavioural change. We turned to knowledge evolving from the serious gaming industry. The game elements of fantasy, challenge and action-consequences are known to be powerful tools for motivation.

What questions were answered?
Teams from 5 universities, creative partners, service providers and application builders have worked together to answer the question: How can game elements affect user motivation for behavioural change?

What have the teams achieved?
Case-validated generic knowledge that can be applied to PSS applications aimed at changing human behaviour.

Timeframe and communication:
G-MOTIV has started in 2011 and finished in 2015. The project has generated innovative scientific knowledge in the forms of peer-reviewed journal articles, PhD theses and industry-conferences. Throughout the project, we have communicate information and results via this website.

Who was involved?
Scientific partners: Delft University of Technology, University of Amsterdam, Vrije Universiteit, Erasmus University and the Technical University Eindhoven;
Creative partners: Design Academy Eindhoven, Monobanda, IJsfontein, RANJ, Novay
Service Providers: Berenschot, Humanitas, Parnassia
Application builders: Novay.

Project leaders
Dr. Valentijn Visch, Delft University of Technology
Prof. dr. Paul Hekkert, Delft University of Technology



A digital app-based prototype aimed to enhance diary compliance of younsters in addiction care. 

Changamoto has been available in the Apple appstore and Android playstore for patients at Brijder Verslavingszorg.  Changamoto has been presented at:
-  the Games for Health conference 2014 by Katinka.
- At the same event, Evert Hogendoorn, IJsfontein’s strategist discussed Changamoto in a keynote lecture.
